英国境外口腔医师注册考试 (ORE)

英国境外口腔医师注册考试 (ORE)
1-2 年兼读制理论与临床培训课程
ORE Part 1
ORE Part 1 is designed to test candidates’ application of knowledge to clinical practice.
It consists of two computer-based exam papers:
Paper A covers clinically applied dental science and clinically applied human disease
Paper B covers aspects of clinical dentistry, including law and ethics and health and safety
Each paper lasts 3 hours and is made up of Multiple Short Answer questions (Extended Matching Questions and Single Best Answer Questions).
You must pass both papers in order to progress to Part 2.
You will be allowed four attempts for Part 1.
ORE Part 2
There are four components to Part 2 of the ORE:
An operative test on a dental manikin (DM)
Candidates are required to perform three procedures over a period of three hours. These procedures primarily involve the preparation and restoration of teeth, but may also include other procedures where appropriate simulation can allow assessment of operative skills.
DM guidance is available on the exam centre's website here: http://www.orepart2.org.uk/index.php/guidance
An objective structured clinical examination (OSCE)
This is where candidates visit a series of ‘stations’ which test their clinical skills. These may include history-taking and assessment, communication skills (such as an explanation of problems and treatment plans), judgement and decision making, ethics and attitudes, and clinical examination. The series of stations may cover aspects of the following: behavioural sciences, human disease, law, ethics and professionalism, clinical dentistry, restorative dentistry, paediatric dentistry, orthodontics, preventive dentistry, dental public health, comprehensive oral care, oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology and oral microbiology, dental radiology and imaging.
There will be a maximum of 20 stations and the OSCE lasts 2 hours in total. OSCE guidance is available on the exam centre's website here: http://www.orepart2.org.uk/index.php/guidance
A diagnostic and treatment planning exercise (DTP)
This involves an actor who will provide an appropriate history (but will not be examined), together with relevant additional information such as photographs, radiographs, study models or results of other special tests. The exercise may involve any of the above aspects of clinical dentistry.
DTP guidance is available on the exam centre's website here: http://www.orepart2.org.uk/index.php/guidance
A practical examination in medical emergencies (ME)
This assessment consists of two parts:
a structured scenario-based oral
demonstration of single handed basic life support. This will include cardiopulmonary resuscitation using a resuscitation manikin
ME guidance is available on the exam centre's website here: http://www.orepart2.org.uk/index.php/guidance
You will be allowed four attempts for Part 2.
ORE 笔试部分
CBMDA has a 10 day ORE & LDS part 1 course available. It is an intensive course that comprises of full comprehensive ORE lectures covering the entire ORE /LDS part 1 exam syllabus.
We have thoroughly researched what is required for this exam and our course materials cover everything you need to pass this exam. It will help you save time by avoiding reading unnecessary topics and it gives you invaluable experience in answering questions from previous ORE themes.
This course is ideal for people who have just started studying for their ORE part 1 exam, as well as those who are about to take their exam. During the course we will solve questions on previous ORE and LDS exam themes. There are over 2,000 questions to be covered during the course.
Course Schedule
First half: Biomedical Sciences and Oral Biology
Physiology Lecture
Physiology Questions
Solving SBA & EMQ questions for each subjects.
General Medicine
Solving SBA & EMQ questions for each subjects.
Second half: Clinical Dentistry
Preventive Dentistry
Restorative dentistry
Solving SBA & EMQ questions for each subjects.
paediatric Dentistry
Solving SBA & EMQ questions for each subjects.
Oral Surgery
Oral Histology
Solving SBA & EMQ questions for each subjects.
Dental Public Health (Statistics)
Law, Ethics and Professionalism
Infection Control
Oral Medicine
Oral pathology
Solving SBA & EMQ questions for each subjects.
SBA & EMQ questions for each subjects.
Dental Materials
SBA & EMQ questions for each subjects.
Dental radiology and Imaging
SBA & EMQ questions for each subjects.

ORE 临床操作考试
CBMDA Dental branch introduces ORE Part 2 hands on courses to our candidates and we have individual approach to every student.
CBMDA provides dental training courses for Overseas Registration Exam (ORE) and Licence in Dental Surgery (LDS) Registration Exams.
We conduct 5 days training courses for the part 2 of ORE and LDS exams. The course includes OSCEs, Medical Emergencies (ME) and Diagnosis and Treatment Planning (DTP). Places are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis and if the course is full it will be closed.
Session 1: Dental Manikin (DM)
CBMDA ORE Part 2 DM Courses will cover all the skills you need for ORE Part 2 exam. This is a 5-day manikin course. This course allows you to bring your preperations for the next manikin class and show your work to the tutor.
At CBMDA we also have supervised manikin practice day. On this day you will be allowed to practice any exercise you would like to and the tutor will be there to guide. You can as well bring your preperations from home on Supervised Practice day.
Candidates who will attend this course will receive one free manikin mock test.
Course schedule:
Day 1: Amalgam exercises Class I, Class I occluso-palatal, Class II upper posterior tooth preparations and restorations)
Day 2: Composite Class III , IV, V and Cusp build up)
Day 3: FGC, PFM – posterior, Recording an Impression, Temporary Crown Fabrication, lab card)
Day 4: PFM- anterior, labial veneer preparation, Rest seat preparation)
Day 5: Root Canal Treatment (Root canal instrumentation and obturation of a single rooted central incisor)
Session 2: Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE)
This session will cover all the skilled OSCEs which can be encountered in the ORE part 2 exam. It is a hands on course which will give you an opportunity to practice all OSCE stations. We have all the required equipments to meet all your needs. The available equipment include surveyors, X-ray arrangement, BPE cast, IOTN casts, X-ray viewers etc. . After one day skilled OSCE course, you are also allowed to come and practice any day you want. We also provide a free supervised practice day to help you master the skills. Please see the details below.
1. Surveyor
2. X-Ray arrangement
4. RPD designing
5. BPE
6. Dental charting
7. Intramuscular injection
8. Rubber dam exercise
9. Splinting
10. Cephalometric tracing
11. Suturing
12. Surgical Instruments Identification
13. Basic life support
14. X-ray Holder mounting
15. Waste disposal
16. Hand Washing
17. Oral hygiene Instructions
18. Denture hygiene Instruction
Full ORE Part 2 OSCE Mock Test
The mock test will consist of 16 OSCE stations. The combination of the OSCEs are designed exactly as the exam. The mock test will consist of 6-7 actors OSCEs, 2-3 skilled OSCEs and 6-8 written OSCEs. There will be professional actors to simulate all actors OSCEs.
After the mock exam there will be general and Individual feedbacks.
The mock test is usually in 3 batches. The 9 am, 11 am and 2 pm batch. General feedback will be at 3:15 pm and the individual feedback will follow immediately. The general feedback will be in a form of presentation consisting of all the scenarios which were in a mock test. Individual feedback is focused on your personal mistakes, body language and communication skills.
Session 3: Diagnostic and Treatment Planning (DTP)
CBMDA's ORE Part 2 session 3which will cover all the topics required for ORE exam Diagnostic and. Candidates will get enough practice during this session. The session also comes with one DTP and ME mock test which is conducted on a separate day.
By the end of this session you will understand the principles of DTP, practice 6 full DTP cases just like in the real exam and clear all your doubts.
Course Content:
General approach for DTP
Component of DTP cases
DTP topics
History taking
Writing notes
Filling in the colour format
Presentation to the patient
DTP cases with feedback
Session 4: Medical Emergencies (ME)
During this last session, candidates will learn all the necessary knowledge and skills needed to deal with an emergency in a dental setting. This session is particuloary aimed at helping the ORE candidates to pass their exam. During this session you will encounter all types of questions and equipments which are expected in the exam. A mock test will be conducted at the end of the day.

Session contents:
1. Anaphylaxis
2. Asthma
3. Syncope
4. Basic life support
5. Automated External Defibrillator
6. Choking child
7. Adrenal insufficiency
8. Hypoglycaemia
9. Epilepsy
10. Chest pain (angina or myocardial infarction)
11. Patient risk assessment
12. Needle sticky injury

ORE Part 1
ORE Part 2
GDC Registration Guide
结业要求 - CBMDA 在通过考试后给学员的帮助
In CBMDA post exam programme we will help you until you start your job in NHS.
1. Find clinical attachments
2. Prepare you for interview
3. Assist you with job application form
4. Get you registered with a local agency.
5. Recommend you to training jobs
7. Immigration advice
8. To help you become our assistant lecturer at CBMDA
Before applying, you need to make sure you meet our clinical experience and English language requirement. You will need to send evidence of the following:
Clinical experience requirement
You must have at least 1600 hours of clinical experience where you have personally treated patients in the dental chair. The number of hours of this clinical experience will either be hours spent undertaking appropriate investigations and administering dental treatment:
during your dental degree;
during post-qualification experience; or
a combination of the two.
It could also be undertaken during temporary registration.
This cannot include time observing other dentists or assisting other dentists/dental students in undertaking diagnosis/treatment planning or provision of treatment.
English language requirement
For the purpose of the ORE, candidates are required to submit evidence of English language. The types of evidence we are likely to accept are:
An International English Language Testing System (IELTS) certificate at the appropriate level;
A recent primary dental qualification that has been taught and examined in English;
A recent pass in a language test for registration with a regulatory authority in a country where the first and native language is English; or
Recent experience of practising in a country where the first and native language is English.
Learning from experienced ORE teacher and ORE examiner.
Always remain ahead of the GDC and ensure exam success
Help every step of the way from IELTS advice to GDC registration and licence to practice
Learn about the roles and responsibilities of dentists in various specialities and grades
Guidance in CV writing
Online job applications and the interview proces
Work post referral scheme
Tuition fees: POA/success
There are a number of sources of funding available for CBMDA students.
These include a significant package of competitive CBMDA bursaries and scholarships in a range of subject areas, as well as external sources of funding.
CBMDA bursaries and scholarships
We offer a range of bursaries and scholarships for CBMDA students including competitive scholarships, bursaries and awards, some of which are for applicants studying specific subjects.